Getting back to it

Mar 21, 2010Preparation

A fter taking a few days out to celebrate my impending Birthday with friends and family, and catching up with everyone from work last week, the work on the preparation has started once again.

I’ve been working on the beginnings of the route I think I’ll be taking and I think I’ve got a very good first draft overview of the route, with all the finer detail still to be worked out once I’ve ordered all the maps I’m going to need.

That – the maps – was the main reason for cracking on with the route; the OS site currently has a 3 for 2 offer on their maps so getting a rough overview sorted out meant I could start to put orders in for the maps I need to cover the entire route. As it goes, it looks as though I’m going to need 58 OS Explorer maps, which certainly isn’t cheap but the 3 for 2 offer should help a lot. I’ve ordered the first batch, covering Land’s End to Bath and I’ll be ordering the rest over the coming days.

It’s going to take a while to sort out the exact route and to mark it on all the maps, but, it’ll be well worth having that as well as the route on the GPS unit. Hopefully it’ll mean I won’t get lost – well, not too much anyway!