Week 2
Day 7
After the rather splendid, if not rather huge, cod and chips on my first evening in Launceston last night I decided that, as there wasn’t a great deal else food-wise going on in the place, I’d head back to Launceston Fryers and have another plate of fish and chips.
Day 8
Before I start I think I’d better just warn Sarah that if she’s reading this out to the girls, she may well need to skip or paraphrase this first part of today’s posting.
So, the complete twats from last night didn’t get any better.
Day 9
You would have thought that being so tired after not much sleep the night before I would have just dropped off straight away last night wouldn’t you? Nope, not at all. I ended up sitting all the way through Top Gun on telly – rather bad reception and it was pretty much the best channel out of the limited selection available – and then put my iPod on and listened to an entire album before taking that off and desperately trying to sleep.
Day 10
The Taw Vale B & B was a lovely place, set in a grandiose building with nice high ceilings and a lot of the original features still in place, including the bell rings in the rooms. I never tried them though. Once I’d had a bit of a rest and phoned the girls I thought I’d better catch up with a bit of washing up and it was then that I realised that I’d left the antibacterial soap I’d been using to wash my clothes in two stops back…doh!
Day 11
I struggled again to get off to sleep last night, even though I was completely and utterly exhausted by the time I’d reached the Best Western hotel in Tiverton. What will it take for me to actually fall asleep at a reasonable hour without too much bloody effort?! Trying to get out of bed I was a little alarmed to find that my feet still hurt from the previous day’s efforts…not good. As I pottered about my room sorting my stuff out fortunately they seemed to comeback to life which pleased me no end. I still had the job of putting on the plasters and taping them up to get them ready for the boots but for now I was just happy that they wanted to move!
Day 12
I actually managed to have an ok sleep last night. That being said I still woke up tired; the upcoming day’s rest will be very welcome I can tell you!
I didn’t rush around this morning and had a nice relaxed breakfast, looking out the window at the view and the falling rain. I wasn’t too worried about the rain as I hoped it would help to cool the day down a bit. The last two days in the sun had been extremely draining, so a break from that would be very welcome indeed.
Rest Day 2
It actually ended up being quite a late night last night by the time I’d eventually got the day’s activities updated on the site.
One reason for this was the fact that I had a good chat with a few people on the phone last night, the funniest of which was with Steve – Hag. I say funny but what I should have said was interesting. The little bugger contacted his local BBC office about me, telling them about the walk and pointing them to this site. I know he’s dead proud about what I’m doing but this, well, what can you say? I suspect nothing will come of it but you just don’t know do you? I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything.