Change of plan

Apr 26, 2010Preparation

B oy there’s a lot to do in planning this walk, which has caused a change of plan!

After spending my last, fantastic weekend with my little angels (going to miss them so much!) I’ve had to make the tough call to delay the start of the walk by a few days because of everything that’s left to do.

I can’t leave without having the maps marked up and sent off to the pick-up points along the way and this is taking a little longer than I expected, especially with the time with the girls taken into account. Clearly I’m not begrudging that time – I wish I could spend more time with them! – but it has set me back quite a bit and I need to make sure that I’m ready, really ready for the off.

So, I’m now hoping to start the walk on Friday the 8th May. We’ll see if I can pull it all together for then and start this little adventure of mine!