See you on the flip side

May 5, 2010Preparation4 comments

S o, the time is almost here for me to head off in to the sunset and move one step closer to starting this epic journey – well, it is for me anyway.

Tomorrow I will be going down to Penzance with my brother ready for the start of my very intimate and up-close-and-personal adventure through the countryside of this great island of ours. It’s all very exciting but scary at the same time.

I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a little apprehensive about it all; worrying whether not the kit is correct and will stand up to the rigours of the walk, whether or not I will be able to cope with the weight on my back and distance to be walked every day. All I know is, I’m going to give this everything I’ve got, like I’ve done over the last two months, and if that means I make it then I make it. If something happens and I have to stop then I’ll try not to get too beat up about it, although I would be thoroughly disappointed in not finishing way up there at John O’Groats.

The time for planning and researching is over…very soon the real hard work starts!

See you all on the flip side!


  1. Kori

    Good luck Darren! xxx

    • Darren

      Thanks Kori. Still on the way down at the moment…in the rain! Guess I’d better get used to that from now on eh?

  2. Jill

    You will be fine and you will do great! πŸ™‚ x

    • Darren

      Cheers honey. I only hope I can meet everyone’s expectations and complete this ridiculous adventure πŸ˜‰